Youth Programs
The Cadet program is for boys of the church and community. Cadets work on Bible lessons and a variety of crafts which teach them several skills. Activities are planned throughout the year. The Cadets usually start the year with a Father-Son Hot Dog Roast. Some other activities include a Gym Night, Christmas Caroling w/ the GEMS, a Mother’s Night, Swimming Party, a Winter Camp-Out, Canoe Trip, and a Hiking trip. We also make Pinewood Derby Cars and race against the GEMS.
North Street GEMS (girls in grades 2-8) meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month starting the end of September and going through March. Through Bible study, praise and worship time, and crafts, our goal is for our GEMS girls to grow in their faith. Our verse is Micah 6:8 “And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.”
Boy’s Club
While the middle school girls attend Gems, on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month, we take the boys and partner with different men from the congregation where they teach the boys life skills like how to change your oil or spare tire, how to run a dairy farm, how to drive an excavator, how to grill, or how to frame a house. The goal is to help foster relationships with the men in our church that can be a role model to the boys, while also learning a new skill.
Middle School Youth Group
Our middle school youth group meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month. Our Middle School group often joins with our High School group in doing fun events like hayrides, hockey games, Craig’s Cruisers, snow tubing, and bowling throughout the year. During the summer, the group meets together for “Summer Splash”, where we start with a Bible study, have lunch together, and then spend the rest of the afternoon swimming.
High School Youth Group
Our High School Youth Group meets every Sunday after the evening service during the school year. Our High School group often joins with our Middle School group in doing fun events throughout the year. During the summer we typically plan a week-long mission trip. In the past, we have gone to Jackson, Mississippi, Sutton, Alaska, and Summersville, West Virginia.
Sunday School & Catechism
Sunday School & Catechism classes meet following the Sunday morning service (10:45-11:45) from September thru April. Classes are available for children beginning at age three thru 8th grade. Catechism classes meet weekly as well for High School students.
Children in Worship
During the evening services, October thru May, our young children ages 3-1st grade engage in worship of their very own. Halfway through the service the children are dismissed and meet for a time of singing, prayer, and a story from the Bible.
Adult Ministries
Men’s Bible Study
Men’s Bible Study meets Thursday mornings at 6:30am during the school year. They often study through video series from Ligonier Ministries. Previous topics included The Lord’s Prayer and The Sermon on the Mount, among others. This men’s ministry creates a foundation of biblical truth and Christ-centered worship.
Men’s Special Events
Men’s Social Events throughout the year include a golf outing, Wild Game Dinner, Rabbit hunting, etc.
Women’s Bible Study
Women in the church gather Sunday mornings after the service for a time of Bible Study during the school year. They study the Word using Bible studies written by authors such as Lisa TerKeurst, Priscilla Shirer & Jennifer Rothschild. It’s a good time of fellowship, learning and building relationships.
Women’s Special Events
There are also various social events throughout the year such as desserts, speakers, themed events, etc.
The North Street Choir prepares music for five services during the year. They practice weekly on Sunday afternoons during the school year. All, high school age and above, who have a love of music and desire to enhance congregational worship are welcome to join.
MidLife Group
This is a group to join if you don’t feel young and you don’t feel old! This is a group for the “middle age” (somewhere in your 20s – 50s) to join together for various events throughout the year. Events have included a Cornhole Tournament, Hayride, bowling, “Clue”, “Amazing Race” and so much more.
Senior Activities
A group of senior citizens join together for breakfast at local restaurants once a month. Various other activities may be available throughout the year as well. They regularly volunteer at local non-profits and are available to mentor those in need.
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