North Street CRC recognizes the authority of several creeds and confessions which summarize the teachings of the Christian faith.
Apostle’s Creed
Athanasian Creed
Nicene Creed
Heidelberg Catechism
Canons of Dort
Belgic Confession
These documents say a lot about what we believe in Jesus Christ, the Holy Bible and Christian living. These things help us think and act Biblically as we look to God’s Word as our ultimate and unerring guide.
We are ever learning more about what it means and what it takes, to walk and live moment by moment with Christ by our side. To guide, strengthen, comfort, chastise, enrich, bless and give our lives everlasting meaning and purpose.
We strive to be deeply rooted in Christ, ever growing in Christ and bearing fruit for Christ and His Kingdom.
Our History
North Street Christian Reformed Church has its foundations deep in the history of Zeeland, MI. The town was just 35 years old when North Street was organized—many charter members were also original Dutch settlers of Zeeland.
North Street CRC also has its foundations deep in principle and conflict. In 1881, a group of 60 families led by Elder H. VanOorden seceded from the First Reformed Church of Zeeland under deep struggle. Like other churches in the Reformed denomination, members were becoming increasingly divided over the allowance of membership in Free Mason groups.
Van Oorden’s group departed from First Reformed and organized in 1881 for independent worship, first meeting in the Townline School north of Zeeland. By 1882, the church became a part of Christian Reformed denomination and soon became known as North Street Christian Reformed—named for it’s location on North Street (later Main Avenue) in Zeeland. The church met in the home of member Melle VandenBosch on North Street, and soon moved into their first building at 235 E. Main.
North Street’s first pastor—Rev. John Isaac Fles—had his foundations deep in the Netherlands’ Jewish community. Born in 1842 in the Netherlands to a converted Jewish Rabbi, Fles eventually became a Protestant Minister and immigrated to Wisconsin. He later came to pastor North Street, serving the young congregation from 1882-1889.
North Street’s current building has its foundation deep in the landscape of the city of Zeeland at 20 E. Main. The red brick church, built in 1909, is the second oldest building in Zeeland. It holds the church’s original steeple bell, cast in 1885. In addition, North Street’s colorful glass windows hold a special history and symbolism for the church. The windows are registered with the State of Michigan Stained Glass Census.
Today, the North Street congregation continues to hold to its foundations as those first congregants did. The church building has been renovated and expanded three times as the congregation grows. Sixteen pastors have served through its history. The North Street CRC remains a landmark in the town of Zeeland, holding the historic name of North Street Church on Main Street.
The grass withers, the flower fades,
but the word of our God will stand forever.
Isaiah 40:8
Our Staff

Rev. Dirk Koetje
Lead Pastor

Dan Sterk
Youth Pastor
Be Our Guests
Rev. Dirk Koetje
9:30 AM
5:30 PM
Our Church
20 E Main Ave
Zeeland, MI 49464
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